Farmington Hills

Family Room

About this space

On Sunday mornings we welcome everyone, and they can join us in the auditorium or the family room! We’re not shy about encouraging parents to bring their kids into the service if they’re not comfortable going to the nursery or a WardKids’ class. That’s OK with us; we love kids. But sometimes little ones can get a bit squirrelly. So, for those times we have the Family Room.   

Our family room is also a great space for our families and friends with special needs who join us on a Sunday in Farmington Hills. It’s right across the hall from the Auditorium, and as you can see, it has kids toys and a monitor to watch the service. It’s a great place for healthy families to gather on Sundays.

Prayer Prompt

Lord, we pray for people to feel warmly welcomed with extra-mile hospitality in our Family Room. We pray this space is a room of respite and learning. We pray for those who do not yet know Jesus to be drawn to him no matter what rooms they enter on this campus. We pray for our volunteers as they help maintain the facility and serve the families here. Lord, let this room continue to help us lead generations to live and love like Jesus. Amen.


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