

About this space

The Nursery is either very quiet or very lively-there’s really not middle ground and we love it! It might be quiet right now if you walked by outside of a Sunday, but it’s not always that way, not by a long shot. In fact, it’s usually quite loud and raucous. On Sunday mornings our faithful volunteers provide first-class childcare of course. But it’s so much more than just Sunday mornings.  

Nursery childcare is provided for any number of Ward activities. A few of these include MOPS, Mental Health support groups, marriage conferences, divorce care groups, and parents’ nights out. If it weren’t for the available childcare, many of these parents wouldn’t be able to attend these events on a regular basis. Or ever.   

The nursery is one of those behind-the-scenes, unheralded, little noticed ministries that is invaluable. Without the Ward Nursery and their volunteers, many other ministries that go on here would not happen.

Prayer Prompt

Father God, we are all “little children” in one way or another because we all need a father’s care. May Your care fill this room whenever people enter it no matter what the age or what reason. As people leave this room may they feel supported, understood, encouraged and wiser. Thank You that parents have safe and enjoyable place to leave their children as they go to other parts of the church to also be cared for by You.


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  1. KB

    KB says:

    Love getting to volunteer with Crystal and the team on Sundays

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