
Knox Hall

About this space

Meet Knox Hall. This is our fantastic all-purpose, jack-of-all trades, “utility player” room. In baseball they call a player who can play a number of different positions, a Utility Player. It’s kind of rare. And it’s an important role. In the major leagues, only a handful of players have ever played all nine positions in one game.   

That’s versatility. That’s Knox Hall.  

It mostly resembles a gym, and it is. This space is used for a wide variety of ministries. There are open gym times for adult basketball and pickleball. We share Knox Hall with our neighbors such as Northville Schools for basketball practices. And we are honored to share it with a Wheelchair Soccer team who practice and play games in the gym.  

Knox Hall is super versatile. WardStudents and Ward Preschool make frequent use of the Knox Hall gym. We host Northville high school annual AP testing right here. And, this space is used for everything from deacon luncheons after funerals to fancy dinners such as when we hosted General Assembly. At times Knox Hall is even set up for large church meetings or Sunday worship services.  

And of course, Knox Hall is the home of the legendary FX: A Family Experience worship service that happens 3 times a year for families and grade school students. As many as 500 students and parents attend each of our FX programs during the fall.  Knox Hall – a utility player all-star! 

Prayer Prompt

Oh, Lord we are so very thankful to you for this large room whose purpose reaches out to our little ones from preschool and their families, to Northville School basketball team, to openness to our community, to Women's special events, to ministering to families who appreciate the hospitality of our serving lunch to their guests following a funeral service, to our Annual meeting and as the place for FX ministry that brings families in to learn of You and to have the experience of worshipping together.


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  1. Robyn Marcotte

    Robyn Marcotte says:

    We welcome pickleballers from all over to join us for free, fun beginner and intermediate level play. The mood is welcoming and we have all ages join us!

  2. Lisa

    Lisa says:

    I think it’s so cool we get to use our gym for others in the community

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